Standard IV - Leadership
Candidates lead their peers in designing and implementing technology-supported learning.
Artifact 15. ZoomEDU – UX Design project.
Artifact Description:
In the course GDIT716 Design of the Learner Experience (Summer 2021) with Dr. Carbonara, I led our team in several parts of the UX design project in designing and implementing technology-supported learning. Our project ZoomEDU is a new product for a fictitious client from Zoom. This project aims to improve the design of technology-supported learning using ZoomEDU for students and teachers in K-12 settings and high educational institutions. Its innovative design will improve teaching effectiveness, learning outcomes, and student engagement in distance learning.
Reflection and Rationale:
The ZoomEDU project demonstrated my leadership in designing and implementing technology-supported learning. Zoom is an increasingly popular educational technology resource after the Covid-19 pandemic broke out. During braining storming in the beginning, I initiated the discussion of the possibility to improve Zoom. Shelby coined the “ZoomEDU” as the name for our teams’ UX design project. ZoomEDU was designed to create a more engaging learning environment for synchronous learning. We analyzed the users including faculty/teachers and students in the K-12 and higher education and built the affinity diagram together. I listened to Shelby’s advice to create two new features called Agenda and Dashboard. I played a leading role in gathering users’ data, sketching, modeling, and creating wireframes. I proposed several ideas to improve the design of Zoom based on three layers of design of the UX design pyramid including ecological, interactional, and emotional design. For example, I suggested using "color therapy" which enabled users to change the color of the background in the Zoom home screen to satisfy users’ emotional needs. As a result, our collaborative project was a great success, and received positive feedback from Dr.Carbonara.